The Proxy Way

Proxy Freedom, LLC is a financial services company dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses with comprehensive solutions tailored to its unique needs. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, Proxy offers a wide range of services including investment management, wealth planning, and strategic advisory services. 

Leveraging a team of seasoned professionals and cutting-edge technology, Proxy enables its clients to navigate the complexities of the financial landscape with confidence and achieve their long-term financial goals. Whether it’s designing personalized investment portfolios, implementing tax-efficient strategies, or providing holistic financial planning, Proxy’s mission is to deliver unwavering expertise and exceptional service to clients, with the goal of ensuring financial success in an ever-changing world.

Peter Adams

co-founder of company

Years of
what we do

Creating Holistic Solutions

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Ready to Get Started?